Make a zip of files in PHP
There is this form that people enter a bunch of info and attached 1 to 7 files too. The files get uploaded to a web server directory and the form responses are stored in a mysql table. I wanted to create a script that would let me download all responses including the uploaded files, as having to SS…
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Terminal Command Shortcuts
Typing long commands out in the terminal can be a pain, like SSHing into a server you use daily. To make a shortcut, edit your bash_profile nano ~/.bash_profile Then add the shortcut by adding this line to the bottom of the file alias someservername='ssh -p 1234' Then all you…
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Using virtualenv
I always forget how to activiate the virtualenv when working with Django source newenv/bin/activate To close it when done deactivate
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Using wordpress to post about coding
There's a good post on CSS-Tricks about using wordpress to post code, which is all I plan to use this blog for. Here is a summary of what I did. Post Using Markdown This makes it easier to post code without having to worry about the editor messing up your post. Sidenote: I think Wordpress is great,…
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