Using CSS Transition Property
Learned how to use the transition property of CSS today. It controls the transition when an object goes from one set of css properties to another, the second set of which is usually defined using a :hover. Definition selector { transition: <property> <duration> <timing-function>…
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How To Deploy A Django App to Production Using Apache
Here's what I'm going to assume:You have a Django app running and have no issues when you python runserver You are running django in a virtual environment You have a Apache2 working on your server You're running Ubunutu 18.04 or 20.04 Why am I writing this post when there is millions of…
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Why I moved from Wordpress to Bolt CMS
Well, I'm sure I'm not the first person to write about leaving Wordpress and I'm sure I won't be the last. At the end of the day, you gotta do what works for you, and Wordpress just wasn't working for me anymore. While I dabble in MIS solutions for businesses (and in my day job I exclusivly deal wi…
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Creating a ZIP file including a CSV summary of contents with Django
So I was building an "apply to work here" application for the company I work for, and I was using Django as my framework. My company has a bunch of entry level/part time jobs we post, so people would usually want to apply for more than one at a time, meaning on the apply page there is a list of job…
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Using SQL with Google Sheets to create Views
I'm not a huge fan of Google Apps or whatever they are calling them these days, as I prefer the power of Office. But 365 is not free and I really do appreciate the power of realtime collaboration you get when working on a Google Apps file.Something I just discovered was that you can use SQL in Shee…
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SQL Comparison operations ( =, <>, !=, <, >, <=, >=) with NULL
I had question about what would be returned from this querySELECT `name` FROM `customer` WHERE `date` <> '05/05/10'Here was the table:John Smith null Mary Smith 05/05/10 Joe Allen 02/16/10 I had to take a pause at that. I had no idea if John Smith would be returned.Turns out that NULL is neve…
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Setting up SSL Certificate on Ubuntu with Apache 2.4
sudo su #probably get hate for this, but I'm lazy cd /etc/ssl/mycerts/ nano domainname.crt Copy the certificate from your provider including the BEGIN and END tags For any certificate authority (CA), you need to also install their intermediate certificates. I use GlobalSign OrganizationSSL and you…
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Creating a CSR Request for SSL Certificate on Ubuntu
I have to do this every three years, and its always a pain to remember sudo su cd /etc/ssl/mycerts/ openssl reg -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout serverdomain.key -out serverdomain.csr Answer the questions. Most places don't care about the Organizational Unit. Leave the challenge password blank…
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Wordpress hyphenating my words
Fuck that. /* Remove automatic hyphenation */ .site-content article { word-wrap: normal; -webkit-hyphens: none !important; -moz-hyphens: none !important; hyphens: none !important; } .widget-area .widget { word-wrap: normal; -webkit-hyphens: none; -moz-hyphens: none; hyphens: none; } .post-navigatio…
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Script to copy MySQL db from production server to dev machine
I like to use a copy of the production data when I'm testing out new features I'm building on my development version of the site. I just find that having real data leads to less unexpected issues. Here is a script I wrote to download that data from the production machine and copy it to my developme…
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